Covenant Membership at FCF

What is Covenant Membership?

We believe that church membership is central to Jesus’ discipleship program for His followers. Covenant-membership is about joining a particular church family covenanted together in Christ. Membership is a conscious commitment to a specific church, in a specific place, with specific gospel practices and beliefs such that one is affirmed, known, and welcomed by that local body. It’s about taking mutual responsibility for one another. It’s how we can uniquely help one another strive side-by-side for the sake of the Gospel (Philippians 1:27). Just as there isn’t a perfect family, there is no such thing as a perfect church this side of Heaven. By God’s grace, FCF is an imperfect church pursuing increasing health through a perfect Savior.

Our membership seminar is like a pre-marital class. We aim to help you know what it means to be a part of this church family as we help one another know and follow Jesus. We rejoice that there are other good and godly gospel-preaching churches in town with whom we agree on the gospel. At the same time, there are doctrinal, ministry philosophy, and applicational differences that make each church unique and necessary. We may agree on the gospel but differ on other important doctrines such as what it means to “be” a church and how we “do” church. It is common to speak of “Gospel Matters,” “Church Matters,” and “Conscience Matters.”

All true churches agree on “gospel matters,” yet these same churches can differ on “church matters” due to different interpretations and applications of Scripture. We want to help you think well and wisely about becoming a part of our church family by exposing what we believe, emphasize, and practice, especially on “church matters.”

Covenant Members should also read and agree to our Membership Covenant.
Gospel Matters
"Gospel Matters” are the nonnegotiable and unalterable truths once for all delivered to the saints that pertain to salvation. They are what make Christianity “Christian” and are necessary for salvation.
Church Matters
“Church Matters” include those areas where there may be significant differences in understanding of doctrine such that “striving side-by-side for the sake of the gospel” may not be possible within the same local church (e.g., Baptism; leadership structures; role of women in ministry; role and gifts of the Holy Spirit; etc.).
Conscience Matters
“Conscience Matters” are those areas of Christian freedom where believers may differ on understanding and practice but still ought to welcome one another in fellowship around the Lord’s Table.

What is the Process of Becoming a Covenant-Member of FCF?

  1. Fill out a Covenant Membership Seminar Interest Form.
  2. Attend all sessions of the Covenant-Member Seminar.
  3. Fill out and submit the Covenant-Membership Application to the FCF secretary. The application is meant to be an act of worship surveying God’s grace in your life; to help the elders “meet” you; gain clarity on your understanding of the gospel, and hear of your walk with Christ. The application is not a theological test or a “pass/fail” exam. We simply want to draw out your heart and get to know you (think back to the “pre-marital counseling” analogy at the beginning).
  4. An elder will review your application, reach out, and set up an in-person interview. The purpose of the interview is to discuss your application, get to know you better, and hear and affirm your testimony of the gospel and conversion.
  5. The elder then reports (typically the following Thursday) on the interview to the elder council, at which point the elders prayerfully discuss and decide on admission on behalf of the church. An application can either be approved, paused pending follow-up (such as getting baptized, more confidence in one’s gospel profession; etc), or denied. Denial typically occurs for one of three reasons: (1) evidence that a person is not a Christian, (2) evidence of significant/dis-unifying disagreement with FCF’s faith and practice, or (3) one intends to move away from Flagstaff in the near future. Upon affirmation, one officially becomes a member and an elder will reach out to notify you.
  6. At the next Covenant-Member meeting, you will be introduced to the congregation. We typically put up a slide with a photo of you and some important facts. An elder will introduce you via the slide, and you will be heartily welcomed into the family.