The primary mission of FCF Children’s Ministry is to lay a biblical foundation that centers on the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that every child will come to saving faith in Christ at an early age, grow in knowledge and understanding of biblical truth, and follow Jesus all the days of their life.
We also strive to involve our kids in the body life of the church and to support parents in the biblical training of their children.
We also strive to involve our kids in the body life of the church and to support parents in the biblical training of their children.
Infant through 5th grade children meet weekly for Sunday School during 2nd service (11am) where they are taught gospel-focused curriculum from Truth:78. (Check out Student Ministries for the older kids!) In addition, FCF Children’s Ministry hosts other events throughout the year. Come join us as we learn, sing, play, and build relationships!

Sunday School
Fall & Spring Classes (August - May):
9 AM Service: No Children's Sunday School classes.
11 AM Service:
11 AM Service:
- Nursery
- Toddlers
- Preschool
- K & 1st Grade
- 2nd & 3rd Grade
- 4th & 5th Grade

Summer Nursery & Sunday School:
9 AM Service: No Children's Summer Sunday School classes.
11 AM Service:
11 AM Service:
- Nursery
- Toddlers
- Preschool
- Kindergarten through 5th Grade
How We Teach
We use Gospel-focused curriculum from Truth:78 for our Sunday School Classes. You can learn more about our curriculum via the Truth:78 Curriculum Introduction.
Each class includes kids’ worship, bible lessons, snacks, and more! Preschoolers through 5th graders also go outside for recess, weather permitting.
Each class includes kids’ worship, bible lessons, snacks, and more! Preschoolers through 5th graders also go outside for recess, weather permitting.

Your children are a treasure and FCF is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children of all ages!
Our safety protocols include:
Our safety protocols include:
- Two adult teachers in every classroom who have a current, cleared background check and sexual abuse prevention training
- Weekly check-in/check-out procedures
- Stickers with matching alphanumeric codes for children and parents/guardians to ensure that they are picked-up by authorized adults
- Cameras in each classroom
- Church security volunteers who monitor the premises
What to Expect on Sunday Morning
Planning to attend this Sunday? Check-in for the 11am Sunday School happens between services, around 10:40am, and is located at the bottom of the stairs next to the church library. If you're not sure how to find us, head through the front doors and a greeter will be happy to show you where to go.
Here at FCF, children are always welcome in the main service, too. They can pick up a kids’ activity page and more to help them sit through the service and listen to the message. These can be found in the sanctuary to the right of the bottom of the stairs. In addition, we have a room for nursing mothers located upstairs in room 28, where you can watch live feed of the service. This room also serves as our Nursery room during the 11am service.
Here at FCF, children are always welcome in the main service, too. They can pick up a kids’ activity page and more to help them sit through the service and listen to the message. These can be found in the sanctuary to the right of the bottom of the stairs. In addition, we have a room for nursing mothers located upstairs in room 28, where you can watch live feed of the service. This room also serves as our Nursery room during the 11am service.
Thank you for entrusting your child(ren) to us! We are so excited to have you! We hope that your whole family is encouraged and blessed by FCF’s Children’s Ministry.


Mailynn Korn
Children's Ministry Director