Membership Covenant & Duties

While we recognize that no one will achieve spiritual perfection in this life (Phil. 3:12-14), all members are expected to live by the power of the Holy Spirit as they seek to follow the following biblical guidelines:

“Having been enabled by the Holy Spirit to trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and to confess Him as Lord, and having submitted to the ordinance of baptism in obedience to Him in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I most solemnly and joyfully covenant with this local church body to lead a life worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, with Jesus Christ as my model. I covenant by the aid of the Holy Spirit to forsake the ways of sin, avoid every form of evil, and to walk in Christian love and in the paths of righteousness. With this in view, I will strive for both the peace and purity of this church; to sustain its worship and to steadfastly cherish and hold its ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute, as a faithful steward, such time, spiritual gifts, and money, as God prospers me, that the work of the local church and ministry of spreading the gospel 7 to the world be faithfully and effectively discharged. I commit to give and to receive ministry, counsel, and instruction and to submit to the discipline and authority of godly leadership and teaching.”

“I will strive to demonstrate a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord by the continued study of and obedience to Scripture in all areas of my life, and through regular worship and praise of God; to surrender daily to the Holy Spirit; to be slow to take offense, maintaining an ongoing attitude of forgiveness, and always to be ready for reconciliation; to demonstrate honesty, personal integrity, justice, service to others, and above all, Christian love; and to glorify God in all thought and action.”

“I will strive to maintain private and family devotions, prayer, and worship; to teach the Scriptures to my children; to manage my household well; to keep my children under control with all dignity; and to pray for and seek the salvation of my kindred and acquaintances.”

“I will strive to avoid unkind words, anger that is not righteous, gossip, sexual immorality, homosexuality, every form of evil, illicit drugs and other addictions, and anything else which might cause my brother to stumble, or which might bring harm or disrespect to my Savior and to my body, the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19).”

“I will strive to give and receive admonition with humility and affection; to remember one another in prayer; to aid one another in sickness and distress; to exercise compassion; to guard my tongue; to combine zeal, spiritual wisdom, and knowledge in my efforts to advance the cause of our Savior; and to encourage one another in the blessed hope of our Lord’s return.”

“I will strive to commit myself to at least one small group within the Church to which I can be held accountable, be challenged, be ministered to, confess sin to, and receive support and encouragement.”

“I will strive to honor and esteem others; to be hospitable, temperate, prudent, respectful, gentle, not contentious, generous, free from the love of money; and to assist others in knowing and carrying out God’s will for our Church. I shall endeavor to preserve the unity of the Church. If I should find myself opposed to the doctrines and policies of this Church, I will seek not to disrupt its fellowship, but I will quietly seek to know and learn God’s truths in regards to our differences. I will regularly attend meetings and worship services of the Church, work for its up-building, and guard its good name in the community.”

“I will seek the Church’s counsel and help to resolve any grievances between myself and another Christian or the Church (1 Cor. 6:1-8). I will make every effort to avoid bringing legal action against the Church or any other Christian (1 Cor. 6:7).”