Spiritual Diagnostic Questions

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “I sometimes think that the whole art of the Christian life is the art of asking questions.” (Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure [Eerdmans], p. 224.)

Here are a few ques­tions to ask yourself and others you are working with in the Lord:
  • What spiritual goals are you currently working on? If you haven’t thought about it, begin by picturing what God would want to accomplish through you by the time you’re 75. Then, write out a one or two sentence purpose or mission statement for your life. In light of that, what are one or two goals (specific, measurable) that God would have you work on in the coming six months that would move you in that direction? Put them on your calendar. In what single way would you like most to grow spiritually in the coming year? (Use another sheet of paper for this.
  • In an average week, how many days do you spend at least 20 minutes in Bible reading and prayer?
  • What do you do to keep your love for God fresh and vital?
  • What are some of the books you have read in the past year and how have they helped you grow in the Lord? If you’re not reading, what one book should you begin soon?
  • What is your biggest hindrance to spiritual growth? How do you fight it?
  • How are you using your spiritual gift(s) to serve the Lord? How would you like to see Him use you in the coming year?
  • Are there any hidden or open sins that you need to confess?
  • How are your relationships with others, especially those you live with? Is your heart free from bitterness toward those who have mistreated or wronged you? Is there anyone you have offended and need to ask his or her forgiveness?
  • Which spiritual discipline do you most need to cultivate in your life? What do you need to do next to begin working on it?
  • Do you honor God with your stewardship of the time and money He entrusts to you? What two or three changes in each area (time/money) do you most need to make?